<p class="responsiveNews" style="box-sizing: inherit; padding-left: 17.3906px; padding-right: 13.0469px; margin-top: 17.3906px; margin-bottom: 0px; color: rgb(78, 78, 78); font-family: Roboto, " helvetica="" neue",="" arial,="" sans-serif;="" font-size:="" 14px;="" text-align:="" left;"="">Jacksonville, FL - In 2015, Maronda Homes established a partnership with New Home Star, a firm dedicated to providing homebuilders with effective sales operations. Over a 12-month period, their Melbourne Division experienced a 65% year-over-year increase in homes sold. This month, two other divisions located in the Sunshine State join forces with New Home Star: South Tampa and Jacksonville.<p class="responsiveNews" style="box-sizing: inherit; padding-left: 17.3906px; padding-right: 13.0469px; margin-top: 17.3906px; margin-bottom: 0px; color: rgb(78, 78, 78); font-family: Roboto, " helvetica="" neue",="" arial,="" sans-serif;="" font-size:="" 14px;="" text-align:="" left;"="">"These two companies are truly experts on each side of the business," says Nate Amidon, a New Home Star Sales Director working with Maronda Homes. "Maronda has an excellent product and outstanding operations that create true value for customers. New Home Star's expertise lies in marketing and communicating that value to prospective buyers. Together, they enhance the overall experience for both sales teams and consumers, and have established trust which makes for a bright future."<p class="responsiveNews" style="box-sizing: inherit; padding-left: 17.3906px; padding-right: 13.0469px; margin-top: 17.3906px; margin-bottom: 0px; color: rgb(78, 78, 78); font-family: Roboto, " helvetica="" neue",="" arial,="" sans-serif;="" font-size:="" 14px;="" text-align:="" left;"="">New Home Star officially begins collaboration with Tampa and Jacksonville in October. "We are excited to continue this relationship and see these divisions prosper in 2017," says New Home Star Founder David Rice. "Armed with a sustainable long-term solution and a focus to create value in the customer's mind, Maronda Homes is certainly positioned to flourish in years to come." To learn more about this award-winning homebuilder and its new construction homes, visit https://www.marondahomes.com.<p class="responsiveNews" style="box-sizing: inherit; padding-left: 17.3906px; padding-right: 13.0469px; margin-top: 17.3906px; margin-bottom: 0px; color: rgb(78, 78, 78); font-family: Roboto, " helvetica="" neue",="" arial,="" sans-serif;="" font-size:="" 14px;="" text-align:="" left;"="">View full release
Originally published Oct 18, 2016 under Newsroom, updated July 4, 2024