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Sales Tips for Success: Community-Level Marketing For Any Season

By Jennifer Mencias 3 min read


Community-level marketing is the key to the success of any new home sales agent. Without implementing tactical and strategic marketing plans in this sphere, sales success can be challenging to maintain for long no matter how much talent a salesperson may embody. For this reason, all New Home Star sales professionals are asked to create a strategic plan with at least one marketing initiative across three different categories: prospect, Realtor, and referral. By focusing on these three categories and marketing to them, you are able to maximize the exposure to your community in a way that supplements existing home builder marketing. Below you will find tips and recommendations in each of the buckets to help get you started on maximizing your marketing efforts!

Prospect Focused Initiatives

There are countless ways you can catch the attention of prospective buyers without having to host an event at the model. Getting involved in your local area and community is where we see the best return on investment. Utilize your budget to sponsor a local charity event, little league team, or high school band! Showcase gratitude to those who serve your area by hosting/sponsoring an appreciation luncheon for your hometown heroes (firefighters, law enforcement, veterans, nurses, etc.). Try reaching out to your chamber of commerce as well to attend or even sponsor networking events. These prospects clearly already like the area, now you just have to take them through the rest of the sales funnel and work your way to selling them on your builder and new home community. Test the waters with print marketing; purchase ad space in your grocery store coupon booklet and post your promotions on both the school and church community bulletins.

Referral Focused Initiatives

Referrals have always been a way for salespeople to gain business, but you have to work for it. By providing impeccable customer service and leading every customer through the most favorable thought process, you will be able to leave them with a great experience and an even better chance to provide you some referrals within their network. Simple, right? To start, you should continue to reach out to your past buyers to notify them of your referral program so that they can stay up to date on the incentives your builder is offering. You can earn incentive referrals by providing a variety of prizes, gifts, and services! Another way you could reach referrals is by creating and distributing content via a community newsletter or Facebook page. Keep in mind the power a personal touch can bring; you should be giving every customer a closing gift, but sending a handwritten card on their birthday or a significant anniversary can go such a long way.

Realtor Focused Initiatives

The last bucket we’re focusing on can often be the most difficult if you do not already have credibility and rapport built with local Realtors. With that being said, put a little more thought about how to tap into this network effectively. Realtor drops are a must! Here is a previous Star Report article that provides a tactical guideline on how to execute a successful Realtor office drop. In addition to dropping off promotional materials and goodies to the surrounding Realtor offices in your area, try coordinating an in-office presentation if you have a solid relationship with their team. This can serve as a designated time to discuss your Realtor incentives and what your product can offer their clients. You could also sponsor a luncheon for them, raffle off some exciting prizes, and distribute some branded swag if you have any at your disposal! On top of that, if you have their contact info, you can consistently follow up about promotions and offerings through mass email campaigns and social media engagement.

Hopefully, these tips offer a deeper insight into how you should plan your marketing activity, as well as some ideas to get started with your next Sales Associate Marketing Initiative. Just remember, consistency is key and if you want to increase traffic, achieve higher conversion, and as a result, have more sales success, community-marketing needs to become a big part of your role as a sales professional.

Originally published May 29, 2019 under Explore the latest topics, updated September 21, 2024

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