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Organizational Development For Home Builders

By Becky Demas 3 min read

People buy things from people they like. So, how does your organization make sure your people are genuinely happy, leading them to be more pleasant at work, more likely to smile, more likely to remain at your company, and sell more? The question for me becomes, how do we help find the strengths of our employees, then match them with the needs of our company?

1) Identify employee strengths

Start by understanding the individual strengths and skills of your agents and employees. This can be done through performance evaluations, self-assessment questionnaires, or informal discussions. The key is getting to the root of what the employee really wants out of their work, and life, to go a step further. Ask them what they like/don’t like about their job, what they are not currently doing but would like to learn more about, etc.


2) Assess organizational needs

Determine the current and future needs of your organization by conducting a SWOT analysis. This could involve evaluating KPI’s to identify performance gaps; reviewing industry trends, understanding that external factors may force us to adjust, or considering multiple strategic objectives. Then, prioritize those needs - make a list.

3) Match strengths to needs

Compare the identified strengths of your agents and employees with the needs of the organization. Look for areas where their skills and abilities align with the tasks, projects, or roles that require attention. Really dig in here to find matches and connections that make sense.

4) Foster communication and collaboration

Encourage open communication between employees and management. Use Individual Development Plans and Individual Performance Appraisals as tools for employees to express their interests, showcase their strengths, and suggest how they can contribute effectively to the organization's goals. Again, the more you can involve the employee in the evolution of change, the more productive it will be for both sides.

5) Provide training and development opportunities

Offer training programs or professional development opportunities that can enhance employee skills in areas where they may need further development. This can help bridge gaps between their strengths and the organization's needs. Encourage employees to look outside of the organization for these opportunities as well. For example, there are abundant options for online classes, certifications, and continuing education. At New Home Star, we also have a passion for giving back to our communities - foster individualism to find something that speaks to them.

6) Delegate responsibilities strategically

Assign tasks and responsibilities to employees based on their strengths and the organization's needs. Ensure that each employee is given opportunities to leverage their strengths in their respective roles. There may be employees who are currently doing things in the “don’t like, not good at” category you can shuffle over to other tasks they may find more interesting. Be vulnerable with your employees and let them know the gaps in your system. Give them the opportunity to come up with ways they can contribute.

7) Recognize and reward contributions

Acknowledge and reward employees for their efforts and achievements when they effectively utilize their strengths to meet organizational needs. This recognition can motivate employees and reinforce their connection between strengths and organizational goals. This is a fine line though - try not to recognize everyone for everything they do (for example, doing their jobs). The recognition should be reserved for when employees go above and beyond, or when they do a particularly exceptional job at something they are skilled at and like. Otherwise, the recognition piece can get washed out quickly and will not mean as much when it is given.

It’s important to maintain a dynamic approach and continuously assess the evolving needs of your organization and the development of your employees. Technology changes, people change, needs and strategies change - don’t get stuck in one place. Providing excellent careers for our people is a full-time job and should have adequate resources directed toward it. Bottom line…when our employees are happy, people are more likely to buy from them!

Originally published Aug 3, 2023 under Explore the latest topics, updated January 23, 2024

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