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Can You Be Born a Great Salesperson?

By Star Report 1 min read

What makes a great salesperson? Is it a secret mix of special traits that show success in closing a sale, time after time? Or is it something that can be taught to anyone? According to this article by Builder Online, when looking for a prospective salesperson that will knock it out of the park when it comes to selling homes, you should perform the SWAN test. This short test looks for four main traits that leadership and management consultant Brian Tracy deems absolutely key.


S= Smart
W= Works hard
A= Ambition


At New Home Star, we know the importance of these traits, because we look for them too. But we also continuously encourage and teach these traits along the course of training. Whether inherited or taught, these types of attributes must be emphasized consistently and mature over time. The desire to always improve upon these characteristics is as important as the characteristics themselves.


And it's not just these qualities that ensure success and a rockstar sales associate. Similar to what is said in the article, experience does not promise perfection. Just because someone has been in home sales for years and years does not mean those have been successful home sales. New Home Star looks for energetic, outgoing, and positive professionals, regardless of experience.  But it's not just attitude that helps them succeed, it's how we mold and guide them. It is the combination of our training, mentoring, and marketing tools that bring sales associates to the top.


The article also points out that a bad attitude will create an impossible situation, which is true. A negative outlook on executing a sale is something that makes training a successful sales associate almost impossible.

Originally published Dec 23, 2014 under Explore the latest topics, updated May 9, 2024

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