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The Power of Saying "No"

Written by Star Report | May 11, 2016

By Mike Thomas, Sales Professional in Idaho - New Home Star

If you are in sales, it's likely that you find joy in helping others and fulfillment in providing value. It's likely that you dedicate much of your day to creating relationships and ensuring high customer satisfaction. In fact, I'm willing to bet you'd say that you 'go the extra time' for customers regularly because, as a salesperson in real estate, that's part of the job. I'm also willing to bet there are days when you feel that your efforts just aren't enough for that particular customer (or maybe even your boss). You may think to yourself, "What could I have done to make this situation better?" Well, the answer might surprise you: Try saying "No." 

Now, I'm not advocating that you tell your boss "no" when he or she hands you your next directive; nor am I telling you to stare your customers in the eye and tell them "no" when you can easily put a little extra effort forth. What I'm recommending is this: Using the power of "no" to set expectations and create an environment where your time, energy and self-respect are protected creates a higher level of service, professionalism and efficiency during both your personal and professional life.

During the spring selling season, when activity is peaking, it's common for those you interact with at work to have high demands. Often, this can create a dilemma. How do you prioritize between current customers whose business you've already earned, new prospects just walking through the door and your other to-do list of daily tasks? The remedy is learning to say "no." For example, when current customers come in on a Saturday, during your busy hour, you have to learn to let them know that you're happy to see them, but unavailable to discuss their questions about the height of towel racks in their new home (at this time). Setting the expectation that your time is valuable, and that each individual appointment requires your full attention, is crucial. You cannot be available on a whim if you want to deliver the best possible experience for both these current customers and the new prospects you've been conversing with already.

To some, this might sound counterintuitive, but it's the only way to create real value for your customers, clients and team members. Imagine you are a prospect who has spent an hour with a salesperson, constantly getting interrupted with their attention frequently pulled away from you; your meeting will inevitably lose momentum and you might feel the salesperson has not fully grasped your wants and needs. Would you feel valued? Probably not. Now, imagine being in the same conversation but upon the current customer's arrival the salesperson politely tells them that they will need to set an appointment via email because they are fully focused on you. How would you feel? Important!

You cannot focus on several things at once and expect great results. Do yourself (and your customers and team members) a favor and, as Steven Covey says in The 7 habits of Highly Effective People, 'put first things first' by setting expectations with your customers and clients so that you can deliver the best experience possible. You might find that saying "no" even creates a little urgency...but that is a topic for a different time. Happy selling! 


After years of flipping properties, Mike Thomas brought his real estate expertise to the world of new home sales. As a top producing sales professional working with New Home Star, Thomas is committed to excellence and continues to thrive as a flourishing leader within our industry.