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The Juggling Act: Being Your Authentic Self

Written by Star Report | Feb 12, 2021

So often in our industry, we see agents getting caught up in small-scale challenges they bump into each day. These can seem so overwhelming at times that they forget to focus on the big picture. I myself can admit that I once operated this way as well; I believed that every aspect of my life had to be perfect, structured, and scheduled at all times. As you can imagine, I’ve learned quite a bit along the way that has shown me that this is not always attainable, especially as I’ve grown into different roles throughout my life and even motherhood. While it is still of utmost importance to be as organized as you can be, take it one day at a time and don’t be too hard on yourself. My advice: the most important thing you can do for yourself, your family, your clients, your team members, your prospects, and the firm you work for is to show up and be authentic, let your true self be seen, and give every moment.

As Brené Brown said, “Authenticity is a collection of choices that we have to make every day. It’s about the choice to show up and be real. The choice to be honest. The choice to let our true selves be seen” (The Gifts of Imperfection). When you project your true self and live authentically, you can provide an aura that is real and one that will be transparent and consistent, which is imperative to sales professionals in our sector of business. By showing up authentically each day, you will be able to build relationships easier — whether you’re engaging with your team, networking with other professionals on LinkedIn or at industry events, or even spending time with your loved ones, wouldn’t you want to show up as your most authentic self? I can guarantee that is the best version of you.

Now, authenticity is powerful, so much so that there is definitely a balance that should be in place. It can be challenging to do this, but being able to maintain professionalism and compartmentalize certain aspects of life is a skill worth mastering. When you are with your clients, be the best you can be for them and focus on delivering a top-notch experience. When you are with your teammates, buy into the group and zero in on strengthening one another. When you are with your family, be in those moments with them. Try your best not to let one bad experience or interaction affect the other, and as a sales leader, try to lead by example for everyone on your team.

All in all, living authentically while juggling everything in our industry can be challenging. But once you dive in, it will pay off time and time again. It’s our role as sales leaders to lead by example, and by doing so, our teams can learn to take hold of this practice as well. Whether you’re engaging with the builder, prospects, your team, or even your pet — just be yourself! No one is perfect, but you’ve earned the right to be here, you know your stuff, and by being on the NHS team, you must have the urge to never stop growing. Use that desire to prioritize, give it all you’ve got, and always show up as your authentic self.